Mission and values


The Foundation Mon Nouveau Bercail is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to aid newly arrived low income immigrants by furnishing them with necessary domestic goods upon their arrival in this country.


La Fondation véhicule et partage les valeurs de l’inclusion, du respect, de l’entraide et le vivre ensemble.


The Foundation firmly believes in the respect of human rights and in social justice. In order to allow newly arrived immigrants to exploit their full potential, to utilise their knowledge and their expertise for the good of their community, the Foundation wishes to welcome them with compassion and dignity. The Foundation will promote the principle of giving a step up which fosters sharing and solidarity.


The Foundation Mon Nouveau Bercail was created following much thought and reflection on the part of its administrators, who came to the conclusion that there was a need to assist and support low income newly arrived immigrants in establishing new foundations in their communities. The Foundation will strive to assist new immigrants by distributing domestic goods such as furniture, electronic products and appliances, clothing, wood and metal based articles, etc., in order to fulfill their immediate needs within the first days of their arrival in this country.

Learn about our interventions